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The contents of this website represent the work of the Early Learning Network from 2016-2024. While the website and its resources will remain accessible, content will no longer be updated. All inquires should be directed to the Institute of Education Sciences.

Early Learning Network Forum with multi-colored bar

Early Learning Network Forum

The Early Learning Network Forum, “Equitable and Effective Early Learning Opportunities: Research, Practice and Policy Considerations,” was hosted in partnership with the Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences on Dec. 13, 2022.

Tools & Resources

The Early Learning Network developed tools and resources to help inform decision-making in education policy and benefit teachers and students in the classroom. Explore research-based practice guides, policy briefs, videos, webinars and more.

Practice Guides

Policy Briefs

Videos & Webinars

Network Goals

To positively impact the lives of children in preschool through third grade by investigating the implementation of early learning policies and programs; identifying malleable factors associated with early achievement; and providing information, tools and products that policymakers and practitioners can use to build effective early learning systems and programs.


Build a cohesive network to enhance the impact of individual efforts across research and assessment teams.


Collaborate across research and assessment teams to address challenges and validate findings.


Advance research in the field and identify areas in need of additional study.


Educate early childhood practitioners on research-proven practices and tools to implement in programs across the country.


Disseminate findings to fellow researchers, early childhood stakeholders, policymakers and the public to inform policy and practice.


Make a positive impact on the lives of children, especially those from historically marginalized groups.


To improve the academic success of children, especially those from historically marginalized groups, by identifying research-proven policies and practices that narrow opportunity gaps and ensure early learning success is maintained as children transition from preschool to elementary school and beyond.

Components of the Network

The Early Learning Network was funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. Research and assessment teams based at universities and research centers across the country led the project from 2016 to 2024.


The Network is comprised of:

5 Research Teams

1 Assessment Team

1 Network Lead Team

Mailing List

Stay up to date on the latest news and findings from the Early Learning Network by subscribing to our electronic mailing list.