03 Nov Network program supports early career researchers

Jessica Logan, a researcher in the Network Early Career Enhancement Program
The Early Learning Network (ELN) launched a new program Oct. 25 to support early career researchers. The Network Early Career Enhancement Program is designed to support emerging scholars involved in ELN research and will provide opportunities for professional development, networking and mentoring.
Early career researchers currently participating in the program are:
- Ashley Adams, University of California, Irvine
- Mary Bratsch-Hines, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Ximena Franco, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Hui Jiang, Ohio State University
- Jessica Logan, Ohio State University
- Bonnie Mackintosh, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
- Irina Mokrova, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Nicole Sparapani, University of Californa, Irvine
Participants will learn about research collaboration, institutional roles and responsibilities, publishing and dissemination. They will also have opportunities to discuss other topics of interest, such as exploring academic and non-academic job markets, grant writing and developing curriculum vitae.
The Early Career Enhancement Program is facilitated by Susan Sheridan, who is the principal investigator for the ELN’s lead team and an ELN research study at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
“This program is driven by early career researchers,” said Sheridan, who is the director of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools. “Their ideas and priorities will drive the focus of our conversations, and they will take the lead in organizing discussions around various topics. Together, I hope we can provide an opportunity to build community and learn from each other.”