09 Jul Early Learning Network shares results at NRCEC 2018
Early Learning Network researchers shared year one results at the Administration for Children and Families’ 2018 National Research Conference on Early Childhood (NRCEC), June 25-27, in Arlington, Virginia.
Researchers from MDRC, Ohio State University, the University of Virginia and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presented first-year preliminary findings from their studies regarding preschool educational practices and child outcomes.
Topics included the quality of teacher-child interactions, frequency and quality of instruction in content areas, teacher-child verbal exchanges and peer interactions as predictors of children’s acquisition of language, academic skills, executive function and social skills during the pre-kindergarten year.
The biennial event brings together early childhood researchers from across the U.S. to identify and disseminate the latest research relevant to young children (birth to 8 years) and their families, while fostering collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to build upon the evidence base for policy and practice.
Earlier this year, network-wide results were also shared at the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Spring 2018 Conference and the American Educational Research Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting.