11 Dec Meet the Research Teams: MDRC

JoAnn Hsueh discusses MDRC’s research as part of the Early Learning Network. View video.
MDRC is one of five research teams in the Early Learning Network. The team’s studies are taking place in Boston, Massachusetts, and the team is working with elementary schools and Boston Public Schools’ community-based PreK programs.
The team includes researchers from MDRC, the University of Michigan, Harvard University and Boston Public Schools.
In a new video, JoAnn Hsueh, MDRC principal investigator, shares unique perspectives about her team’s research studies.
Through its partnership with Boston Public Schools, the MDRC research team will have an opportunity to study curriculum alignment and how it impacts children’s outcomes.
“We’re going to learn about how curriculum and learning experiences that purposefully build upon each other promote children’s development over time,” Hsueh said.
Learn more about MDRC’s research